Akin Fadeyi Foundation Launches Inaugural Impact Series with Afe Babalola
- A non-profit, non-governmental organisation, Akin Fadeyi Foundation, has launched an Impact Series to celebrate Nigerian icons who have made significant contributions to the nation’s development
- The Foundation pledges to avoid spotlight-seeking individuals who might exploit the platform for personal fame
- The series will debut with Afe Babalola, a philanthropic entrepreneur who has devoted his life to alleviating the struggles of the masses
The Akin Fadeyi Foundation, a non-profit organisation, has announced the launch of its Impact Series, a pioneering initiative aimed at celebrating Nigerian icons and change-makers while they are still alive.
This innovative program seeks to recognise and honour individuals who have made significant contributions to the country’s development, often without expecting anything in return.
Akin Fadeyi Foundation believes it is demarketing to Nigeria to always wait until icons die before they are celebrated.
Image: Facebook/ Afe BabalolaSource: Facebook
During a virtual media briefing attended by TheTalk.NG held on Wednesday, May 8, Oluwakayode Adejare, the head of the foundation, emphasised the organisation’s commitment to authenticity and integrity.
He said:
“We are on a mission to give recognition to the least looked at in the society, including the media people.”
He pledged to resist any attempts by PR-seeking individuals, particularly politicians, to influence the foundation’s objectives. Instead, the Impact Series, he promised, will focus on acknowledging the unsung heroes and heroines who have made a positive impact in their communities.
Adejare highlighted the foundation’s dedication to supporting society’s most vulnerable members, including ailing hospital patients.
He also announced plans for a poverty-alleviation scheme that would empower individuals trapped in poverty and help them break free from the cycle of misery.
AFF kicks off Impact Series with Afe Babalola
Afe Babalola stands as a prime example of the kind of exceptional Nigerians the Akin Fadeyi Foundation seeks to celebrate.
While a successful businessman, Babalola has distinguished himself through his unwavering dedication to philanthropy. Eschewing involvement in active politics, he has chosen a different path – one of quiet generosity that makes a significant difference in the lives of many.
Babalola’s philanthropic endeavors extend far beyond Nigeria’s borders. A recent example of his global impact is the £10 million donation made to King’s College London.
This substantial contribution established the Afe Babalola African Centre for Transnational Education. This centre aims to make quality education more accessible to African students, easing the path for them to pursue scholarships and academic opportunities.
Through this initiative, Babalola exemplifies the power of individual action to address critical challenges faced by the continent’s future generations, making him an inspiration to many and a fitting choice for the Akin Fadeyi Foundation’s Impact Series.
Afe Babalola’s biography
Afe Babalola is among the most known lawyers in Nigeria and the founder of Afe Babalola University. He is an educationist, farmer, and former pro-chancellor of the University of Lagos (UNILAG).
Babalola has received several medals for being one of the highest contributors toward advancing and improving Nigeria’s legal, health, agricultural, and education sectors.
Source: TheTalk.NG